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  • (9.24)New methods for the detection of 14N nuclei in solid state NMR
  • 文章来源: 发布时间:2015-12-01
  •   报告人:Jean-Paul Amoureux,法国里尔大学教授 

      主持人:王俊峰 研究员 



      Abstract:In a 1s tstep, we demonstrate how frequency-selective pulses allow achieving an efficient excitation of nuclei experiencing large anisotropic interactions. These pulses can be applied on the indirect channel of HMQC sequences, which facilitate the detection of nuclei exhibiting wide spectra via spin-1/2 isotopes. In a 2nd step, we compare three different categories of 1H-{14N} D-HMQC HETCOR with indirect evolution of single- (SQ) or double-quantum (DQ) coherences. In a 3rd step, new overtone schemes are proposed to increase the robustness to offset and efficiency. 


      Jean-Paul Amoureux教授于1976年获得是法国里尔大学(University of lille-1)理论物理博士学位,现在是里尔大学核磁共振中心的负责人(该中心有13台NMR仪器,包括一台900MHz仪器)。同时也是国际上固体NMR领域里的知名学者。他在固体NMR实验方法与技术方面发表近180篇论文,在各种国际会议上作了100多次的学术报告。